5 Easy Ways to Be a Vaccination Advocate

pro-vaccine advocate

A study has shown that if current social media trends continue, anti-vaccine views will dominate the online discussion in ten years. Since approximately half of Americans rely on social media for news and current events, this is troubling news for the future of our community’s health. But, a local group, Hoosiers Vaccinate, is speaking up to explain why vaccines and community immunity are vital to all Indiana residents’ health.

Hoosiers Vaccinate is a grassroots network of community members in Indiana dedicated to spreading awareness about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, advocating for immunizations, and supporting science-based vaccine policy for the safety of our state’s residents.

Joining a group like Hoosiers Vaccinate can seem like a big commitment, but it’s not! There are no monthly meetings, no dues, and no registration fees. It’s free and easy; there are little things we can all do to speak up and help change the negative narrative around vaccines. 

Here are five easy tasks to tackle to help protect our community’s health:

  1. Click here to join Hoosiers Vaccinate.
  2. Follow Hoosiers Vaccinate on social media to like, share, and retweet: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter.
  3. Write a letter to the Editor of your local paper. This article explains how simple it is.
  4. Contact your local state representatives. Use Hoosiers Vaccinate’s automated advocacy platform to send a letter or a tweet in only a minute!
  5. Sign up to receive Hoosiers Vaccinate’s monthly newsletter.

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