Hoosier Stories

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On December 24, 2009, I gave birth to a feisty 4lb 5oz baby girl named Callie. She was our “miracle” baby after 5 years of trying and 4 miscarriages. She came 6 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia and spent 12 days in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Katie & Craig Van Tornhout
Van Tornhout Family
I was 18 years old and a freshman at Indiana University. I went to the doctor because I had flu-like symptoms. About 12 hours later, a rash developed and I was transferred to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis where I was given a medication called Xigris within 20 minutes of arrival.
Ashley Goeller
Ashley Goeller
I live in Indianapolis. I am a mom, a wife, a teacher, and a cervical cancer survivor. I first found out that I had HPV when I was 31 years old and was just 6 weeks pregnant with my second child. No invasive procedures were needed at that time; however, after my son was born and the HPV cells were still present, additional steps were necessary.
Heather Banks
Heather Banks

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