The HPV: Don’t Wait. Vaccinate! Project is sponsored by the Indiana Immunization Coalition. This Part IV, Performance in Practice Project has been approved by the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Medicine for physicians throughout the country. Pediatricians who complete this project will be awarded 25 Part 4 points toward their MOC. Family Medicine physicians will receive MC-FP credit for 1 Part IV module or 20 Part IV points, as appropriate

Who can participate in the HPV: Don’t Wait. Vaccinate! Project?

This Part IV, Performance in Practice Project has been approved by the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Medicine for physicians throughout the country.

What is the aim of this project?

The HPV: Don’t Wait. Vaccinate! Project is sponsored by the Indiana
Immunization Coalition. Physicians who participate will aim to increase their
1st dose HPV vaccine rate for eligible females and males ages 9-26 by 25%
during a 6 month period.

What is the completion criteria for the project?

Participants will complete the six-month project which includes maintaining
and submitting monthly numbers of patients who are eligible to receive the
vaccine as well as numbers of patients who actually receive the vaccine.


“Through participating in this project I learned better communication strategies for discussing HPV vaccine with parents and children as a routine part of all our discussions. I witnessed initially hesitant families to not only get the vaccine that day, but actually make an appointment for a wellness visit and the next one, while smiling .”
Mary Ian McAteer, M.D. FAAP
“This is a wonderful opportunity for physicians to focus on a qi project that has real and significant benefits for their patients. The Indiana Immunization Coalition is wonderful to work with, and physicians will be well equipped to handle conversations they might have felt uncomfortable about before. Every doctor wants to help prevent cancer, and this program provides the tools to do that effectively.”
Christopher H. Weintraut, Executive Director Indiana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
“Our 5-physician practice incorporated this HPV MOC project with ease . We even involved a resident who needed some QI experience to help collect the data. They also observed our staff and physician practices surrounding communication about HPV vaccination to families and provided feedback. With or without resident involvement, we all found this project to be easy to complete, unobtrusive to daily workflow, and valuable as a formal discussion piece with all of our office staff .”
Sarah Bosslet, M.D. FAAP
“I would highly recommend the Maintenance of Certification in partnership with the Indiana Immunization Coalition. It was a great opportunity for our Vaccines for Children Program Physicians with HPV rates below 25 % to participate… The process was easy to register with a helpful guide and summary. The participants could read the modules and log in data at their own pace with their busy schedules. Over the six month period, we found that the providers implemented many of the changes into their workflow just in how they recommended the vaccine for their patients and as a result protected many Hoosier children from getting cancer!”
Tami Johnson, Immunization Assessment & Promotion Director Indiana State Department of Health