The HPV: Don’t Wait. Vaccinate! Project is sponsored by the Indiana Immunization Coalition. This Part IV, Performance in Practice Project has been approved by the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Medicine for physicians throughout the country. Pediatricians who complete this project will be awarded 25 Part 4 points toward their MOC. Family Medicine physicians will receive MC-FP credit for 1 Part IV module or 20 Part IV points, as appropriate
Who can participate in the HPV: Don’t Wait. Vaccinate! Project?
This Part IV, Performance in Practice Project has been approved by the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Family Medicine for physicians throughout the country.
What is the aim of this project?
The HPV: Don’t Wait. Vaccinate! Project is sponsored by the Indiana
Immunization Coalition. Physicians who participate will aim to increase their
1st dose HPV vaccine rate for eligible females and males ages 9-26 by 25%
during a 6 month period.
What is the completion criteria for the project?
Participants will complete the six-month project which includes maintaining
and submitting monthly numbers of patients who are eligible to receive the
vaccine as well as numbers of patients who actually receive the vaccine.